About AlgoTicker

AlgoTicker is a powerful yet flexible algorithmic trading platform created by Santosh Kshirsagar. He first was only investing for long term but as he got to know about options trading, he started doing it manually. After loosing 1-2 trades He got 1 Lac+ profit in a week but next week lost actual capital of 77000. He soon realised trading manually and following descipline is difficult and also wanted to save time to work on other business. So he began developing individual scripts to automate his own manually traded strategies. With no existing solution catering to the level of customization required, He decided to build his own proprietary platform from the ground up - one that could provide traders with the versatility to define strategies using time, indicator values, candle values, expiry dates, custom variables and much more.

Most available algo trading platforms were too rigid, lacking the flexibility to dynamically test and deploy multiple custom strategies based on various parameters. Born out of a need for more customization, AlgoTicker allows traders to develop and deploy their own fully automated trading strategies with an unprecedented level of freedom and control.

What sets AlgoTicker apart is its powerful strategy builder that allows you to visually construct and virtual trade automated strategies. Seamlessly integrate any number of custom variables, indicators or conditions using strategy builder.

From inception, AlgoTicker was engineered as a secure, reliable and lightning-fast platform capable of executing strategies across multiple brokers in India.

Whether a seasoned trader or someone just starting out with algotrading, AlgoTicker empowers you with a comprehensive yet intuitive solution to develop and deploy automated strategies precisely tailored to your trading style.

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